2013(e)ko martxoaren 27(a), asteazkena




We are a group of students in the school for adults EPA-HHI Arrasate. We are dealing with HUMAN RIGHTS in our English lessons. At the moment we are reading the biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
We'll try to bring some of the comments we make in class to this blog . So, let's start!

In this video we can listen to the famous speech of Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream"

And these are some versions of the song "We shall overcome" (Irabaziko dugu) that Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers used to sing while marching. Which one do you like most?

22 iruzkin:

  1. "Growing in the South was not easy for Martin... in 1929, when black people were treated very differently than white people"
    In my opinion, black people suffered a lot at that time. This situation makes me feel sad.

  2. "Martin Luther King Jr.understood that the civil rights movement would suffer defeats.But now he was more determinated than ever to prower of peaceful protrest"

    This idea makes me feel happy.

    (Javi Moto Hidalgo)

  3. "History has thrust someting on me which I cannot turn away".
    In my opinion this idea is excellent, what do you think about it?

    (K. Estrella Caraballo C.)

  4. "He had been kicked off buses and out of store, and now he was being kicked out of jail"

    I recoment this part of the story because it is very interesting.

    Maikel Tena

  5. "Martin Luther King,Jr., spoke to president Kennedy,but the president did not take quick action to fix the situation"

    In my opinion, does not seem right that the president did not listen to Martin, as he was in the white house thanks to the black vote.

    (Maria Pilar Negro)

  6. "He had been kicked off buses and out of store, and now he was being kicked out of jail"

    I recomended this part of the story becouse it es very interesting


  7. "sometimes people yelled and spit at the students'
    In my opinion this idea makes me feel sad.
    (Azucena Cabra)

  8. "I must honestly say that we firmly believe that segregation is evil"

    I agree with this idea.

    (Roberto Garay)

  9. "In the south, civil rights leaders faced growing violence".

    In my opinion this idea is very interesting.

    Aritz Vinacua

  10. - "Martin Luther King,Jr,spoke to president Kennedy,but the president did not take quick action to fix the situation".

    - I dont understant a prsident Kennedy, I dont like this idea, because president is very interested in power.

    - Jon Velasco Murillo.

  11. "Martin looked at the setback as a beginning"

    I recomended this part of the story because it is very interesting.

    (Omar Fernandez Alvarez)

  12. Chapter 5 page 36 line 8 to 13
    I agree with this idea because the white and black people gathered to front the lincon memorial, to protest for the civil rights. they like equal right
    (Jonathan Roque)

    1. martin and the leaders of the sccc decided to boykot white businesses.

      i agrtee with this idea because martin has to boycott all the businesses.

      xabier viteri

  13. chapter 4 riding the bus

    "the National association for the advancement of colored people. the NAACP is one of the oldest civil rights groups in the United states. lt was formed on February 12 1909"
    In my opinion is very interesting the paragraph.
    (Ana urtubi)

  14. "Martin Luther King, Jr,spoke to President Kennedy,but the president did not take quick action to fix the situation"

    Rafa Maria and Izaskun Unamuno

  15. "Martin looked at the setback as a beginnig. His fight would continue.

    I like this Martin's sentence because it explains how much is he interested in his movement.

    Borja Hernando Román

  16. "They held ameeting anddecided to give in on some of the marchers' demands."
    (Chapter 7,pag63, paragraph 1,line3 3-5.)

    I agree whit this idea because white leaders in Birminghan accepted look the laws about the black peoples.
    (Jenni Davila)

  17. I recomended this part of the story because it is very interesting: they sang freedom songs ''we shall overcome'' black and whiter together, we shall overcome someday.

    Unai Garcia

  18. martin organized a march to the birmingham city hall. many people joined this march.bull connor was gorwig angry.

    i agree wit this idea because a To protest

    kepa horrillo

  19. At last, the Jim Crow laws in Birminhgam were gone.Martin had won a great victory!
    (chapter 7,pag63,paragrhap3 line 1,2)
    In my opinion this idea excellent.
    Naiara lazpiur

  20. On April6, Martin organized a march to the Birmingham City Hall.

    (chapter 7, page 55, paragrahp 2, lines 1-2 )

    In my opinion this idia it's ok

    Ainittze Diaz

  21. But there were also thousands of white people. they, too, felt that the laws of segregation were injust.

    aitor regaño
